“Sexuality is an expression of the moving force that underlies everything & gives it life” ~ Starhawk
Tantra is a spiritual path leading you to transformation & expansion, embracing all aspects of life. This awareness practice brings us to the totality of our being, because tantra includes our sexuality by its very nature, incorporating the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual.
Sexual energy can express itself in very distorted ways in our society, creating a world where people are unaware sexually & disconnected spiritually. An energy so powerful that many cultures in today’s society have gone to extremes in their attempts to repress it through shame, guilt, & fear. This repression often creates stagnant energy in our sexual center, impacting various areas of our lives, including our vitality. This is where focusing on sexuality within tantra can free up more life force energy so we can then become in touch with our authentic essence, our truth, guidance & wisdom again.
Often people who have deep wounds relating to their sexuality do not feel empowered in their lives. When we heal our sexual wounds & own our sexuality we then gain access to our own personal & emotional healing power. Sexuality expressed in an open healthy way can then becomes one of the fastest routes to awakening.
People often think tantra is all about sex nothing but could be further from the truth. Actually its a path of meditation which uses the body & senses as a means to have a deeper connection with yourself & with life… even if you’ve already done a lot of personal development & self discovery it can sometimes be all in the mind, where most of us are comfortable living. Tantra brings us into the body, inspiring personal embodiment & spiritual development that’s been on an intellectual level but brings it home.
Tantra can assist in bringing us back, by guiding us in letting go, peeling away layers, clearing trauma, & dissolving all that is not our true nature. Uncovering all the things that hide our true essence, this path allows us to remember that we are already whole, already awake.